
Aerosmith i don t want to miss a thing
Aerosmith i don t want to miss a thing

aerosmith i don t want to miss a thing

Complex concepts have been simplified to their essence. It has taken a year of draft, redraft and yet more redrafting to get it ready. The world’s top two daygamers – the original “mad geniuses” behind the new London Daygame Model – have been toiling away for over a year with one goal in mind: create the simplest and yet most effective teaching guide to picking up girls in the daytime. And like a James Bond supervillain crafting a plan for world domination, these hardcore daygamers were refining their art and developing a fearsome Weapon Of Mass Seduction.Ĥ. It’s a tiny group of men, maybe less than a hundred worldwide, but they ignored the carnival and went about their work with cunning, craft and precision. there remained a small cadre of hardcore dedicated daygamers who were actually fucking lots of hot women. Luckily, while most of the Daygame world descended into a carnival of pranksters trying to out-do each other for YouTube clicks (or worse, disappeared up their own arseholes with happy-clappy spiritualism)…. It’s just a carnival to entertain a crowd.ģ. Most of the “daygame” you’re watching has nothing to do with picking up women and seducing them. It’s little different to those pranksters entertaining subscribers to monetise the advertising revenue. To the newcomer, daygame is now a spectacle. And the sad truth is 99% of the guys clogging up YouTube have no idea what they are doing. Now every man and his dog is doing “daygame”. These guys had hit upon something incredible, but still didnt’ really know what it was they were doing2. It was like the apocraphyl story of the four blind men touching different parts of the elephant and getting completely different mental images of how the elephant looks. The secret underground world of Pick Up Artists was taken by storm – “Daygame” had arrived!The only problem is, that system was pretty raw. Before long they’d figured out a system – a “blueprint” – for meeting and attracting girls in the daytime.It seemed like they’d acheived the impossible – a reproducable system for the average man to get the girl(s) of his dreams. They didn’t know what they were doing, but – bless their horny seducer’s hearts – they went out anyway and gave it a try. It seems like only yesterday guys were making their first fumbling attempts at chatting up girls on the street, in coffee shops, in bookstores. Time moves fast in the world of daygame.

Aerosmith i don t want to miss a thing